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PA203429  Hook Bushwhacker Machete
PA203429 Hook Bushwhacker Machete

PA203429 Hook Bushwhacker Machete

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Your Price: $26.78
Retail Price:$33.95
Your Savings:$7.17(21%)
This fixed blade is 15.5" (39.37cm) overall. 9.5" (24.13cm) carbon steel blade. Brown wood handle. Brass guard. Brown leather belt sheath. Boxed. Made in Pakistan.
Part Number: PA203429
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Product: Hook Bushwhacker Machete

Brand: Pakistan

Made in: Pakistan

15.5" (39.37cm) overall. 9.5" (24.13cm) carbon steel blade. Brown wood handle. Brass guard. Brown leather belt sheath. Boxed. Made in Pakistan.

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