We will not sell, trade, loan or in anyway share customer data with any person, company, or organization. We only use your personal information to process your order.
A. What information is collected?
Billing name and shipping address. Phone numbers are used as customer identification numbers as well as contact information along with the email. No credit card information is stored.
B. With whom is the information shared?
We do not share any of our customers information with anyone.
C. How can the information be corrected?
You may contact us by phone or email to correct any information.
D. How is it secured?
Information is secured through GeoTrust True BusinessID with EV SSL.
E. How will policy changes be communicated?
Our Privacy Policy page will always be up to date. You may contact us if you have any questions regarding this policy.
F. How can a consumer address concerns over misuse of personal data?
You may contact us through email or by phone.