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DOV12581194 Dovo Razors Prima 5/8 Straight Razor
DOV12581194 Dovo Razors Prima 5/8 Straight Razor

DOV12581194 Dovo Prima 5/8 Straight Razor

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On sale $151.19 $138.59
Retail Price:$313.95
Your Savings:$175.36(56%)
6.25" (15.88cm) closed. Carbon steel blade. Horn handle. Extended tang. 5/8" wide hollow ground blade with 24k gold plate. Boxed. Made in Germany.
Part Number: DOV12581194
In Stock Free Shipping on DOV12581194 Dovo Prima 5/8 Straight Razor

Product: Prima 5/8 Straight Razor

Brand: Dovo

Made in: Germany

6.25" (15.88cm) closed. Carbon steel blade. Horn handle. Extended tang. 5/8" wide hollow ground blade with 24k gold plate. Boxed. Made in Germany.

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